That photoshop guy.


Textile Peon

Surrounded by Corn, IL

Joined on 3/13/06

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Sunglasses's News

Posted by Sunglasses - July 7th, 2009

Stardate: Unknown
Anthrax Update #2

Remember how I was in Egypt? Well, lets just say there was a lot of bloodshed by mine and Ember's hands when we were tossed into a Thunderdome equivalent and they kept tossing warriors at us. We managed to escape with minimal injuries. My forearm braces took most of the damage, and I was not able to use certain abilities until I could get the top band on the left side fixed. Also, Egyptian style armor is very, very heavy.

As of right now, I seem to be too far away to teleport back to my home on Earth with the way my brace is damaged as I post this. I also managed to learn a few tricks my Mate Rachel knows, such as ghosting. So, from this time forward, me and the group I'm with will be trying everything we can to get back to Earth. I just hope I can make in home in time to see a certain thing I swore to get back in time for. Rachel should know what I'm talking about.

Posted by Sunglasses - July 6th, 2009

Weekly Update #1
Weekly Update #2

Not much happened this week. Except for the 4th of July.

We had a big blast party and all that. Highlight of it all: one of them blew up near one of dad's hands. the only injury being a badly bruised thumb. Also, blowing up barrels with slightly-larger-than-most-M-80's ftw.

Record for blowout: 3000 firecrackers strung together and blowing off at once.

Also, I've been playing Goldeneye for the N64 a lot lately. I'm very close to the end of it...IF NATALYA WOULD QUIT DYING I'D BE DONE BY NOW. This also makes me wonder why Janus would have their base in Cuba rather than somewhere deep in another jungle. Hell, having it near the city of Gold would have made more sense than Cuba is you ask me. But than again, why care about something so trivial?

Well, either way, I hope you had a good 4th of July.

Posted by Sunglasses - June 30th, 2009

Stardate: Unknown

As explained by that last hijacked post by an android, yes, I was in space going to a different planet. Why? To get some old friends who live there. I'm with them now in what is the equivalent to Egypt on Earth.

But before that I was with the "wolf pack", otherwise known as my dad's side of the family. Before that, I was at home: Sitting with my mate Rachel, which is expecting our cub in a few weeks time. Now: I'm sitting with others peering over my shoulders watching me type this...and then they all backed away. Anyway, we're about to go off to our old stomping grounds back on Earth. However, they all want to take me out to a small Oasis out in the desert here. I think the 2 male tomcats around me think I seem a bit intimidating with the spikes peering out of the braces on my arms, and the apparent Wolf features I have.

There's a bit of tension in the air here, mostly due to the fact that the female Folf here was once my girlfriend. But that should clear up by the time we get back to my house in a few weeks.

People I'm with:
Alias: Gimme
Real Name: Unknown
Breed: Unknown breed (possibly Korat)
Description: Black with white spots, biggest and oldest of the 2 toms.

Alias: Alley Cat
Real Name: Grover
Breed: Egyptian Mau/Unknown breed
Description: Egyptian Mau type fur with a hint of brown to it, a bit of a whiner.

Alias: Ember
Real Name: Ember
Breed: Folf
Description: Same breed as me, only a cross between a wolf and an arctic fox....as well as my former girlfriend, now mates with Grover.

Posted by Sunglasses - June 29th, 2009

Weekly Update #1

Well, a week has passed, so here's the second update.

General irl things that you probably don't care about:

It's only been a week, but damn it seems like it's been longer. I've been listening to nothing but Mercyful Fate and Diamond Head. Trying to find a job out here is damn near impossible, at least the type of job I'd like to have is impossible to find. My lunches for the past week have been fast food, I'm only 2 restaurants away from eating food from every fast food place in the downtown area here.

Below is the only version of Mercyful Fate's "Evil" I could find on YouTube.

/* */
Stuff that might interest you:

Future update posts like this will be done in 2 posts. 1 by the irl me, and the other by my Fursona Anthrax. Posts by me will contain general stuff about what I've been up to, posts by Anthrax are set in another world in which he's on a vacation/get out of his own. Both posts will be done 1 day apart. Also: as above, there will be a link index for all update posts.

Posted by Sunglasses - June 23rd, 2009

Lieutenant Commander Data of USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) reporting on what I believe to be property of the Hybrid only known to crew as "Anthrax".

The hybrid, which bares both fox and wolf traits, had boarded the ship when we were in rendezvous with the Vulcan. He had explained that he needed to go to a relatively new planet which he has yet to tell anyone other than the captain. He is a very strange being. One minute he will be happy and likable, the next he could be depressed and irritable. I may not exactly understand certain personality traits within others, but something tells me his emotions are in a jumble.

He has bands on his arms that seem to give him strange abilities that can manipulate reality and a vast array of other things. He seems to have a knack for telepathy, something I very rarely see from beings of Earth. Although he rarely talks of his personal life, he has stated that he is expecting a child soon from what he calls his "mate".

Among his abilities to read minds and manipulate reality, he seems to work quite well with electronics and other things among the ship. He has very well pushed certain things past the set limits with no problems. He has made the holodeck very much more lifelike than it was before, which was almost fully lifelike already. He has invited some into the deck when he tries out something new with it.

We have yet to know why he is going to his destination, or why he won't use our means of communication to speak to whoever it is he wishes to speak to. This leads me to believe that it must be personal matters that he wishes no one else to know at the moment. The journey so far with him has been a different one indeed. Will we ever see him after this voyage?


Posted by Sunglasses - June 22nd, 2009

Every Monday, I'll be posting updates on my vacation here, and anything significant that has happened that week.

Rolled into town about midnight and walked into a house and was nearly pounced on by several kittens. Dad and everyone we've seen so far have hardly changed at all. By the way, it sucked sitting in an SUV for 4 hours when it's pouring rain and the people driving are blasting nothing but the type of music I don't like to listen to.

Also, no pics for these. As I'm in a public place as I type this.

Posted by Sunglasses - June 18th, 2009

I was informed when I woke up today that I will be leaving for my annual trip to my hometown, Fort Wayne, IN.

I will be bringing various game systems, and other significant things that will bring me entertainment while down there.

Game systems:
-Sega Genesis

When will I come back...idk yet, but I'll give weekly updates.

So, until then: Have something tame.

Sunglasses goes on vacation

Posted by Sunglasses - June 13th, 2009

With the new song "Psychopathy Red" out in the tubes, who else it looking forward to it?

Listen in HQ, or else you'll get static.

/* */
If you ask me, this song sounds of Seasons. The melodic part, the lyrics, and vocal style just scream (literally) that Araya wrote this. I could be wrong about that bit though, only time will tell.

Posted by Sunglasses - June 11th, 2009

Damn you steering systems and your ways of getting stuff out with certain tools.

Long story short, I had to replace a tie rod on my mom's van or I couldn't go to Fort Wayne this year. I can tell you, it should have been done long ago, yet it still somehow held up. Anyway, that problem is over with, and we can go about getting ready to leave on the 20th to Fort Wayne, IN.

Pic is what tool came in handy for getting the old tie rod off.

Ugh, tie rods

Posted by Sunglasses - June 8th, 2009

Involve yourself within my dream
Experience a life
Just like your mind thought not to be
Take a look through time
As past or present words to be
I rule this inferno
Enthroned for eternity

Coils of the serpent unwind
Buried beneath you will find
Deep in the halls of the damned
Spirit in black till the end

Spirits damned to rot
Amidst the brimstone fireballs
Eyes of the dead
Watching from their living walls
Broken glass reflections
Show your flesh eaten away
Beyond the gates I 'll take you
Where the blood forever rains

Coils of the serpent unwind
Buried beneath you will find
Deep in the halls of the damned
Spirit in black till the end

Coils of the serpent unwind
Buried beneath you will find
Deep in the halls of the damned
Spirit in black till the end

Afterlife confession
Tell me who you used to be
Looking on in wonder
As I show you it was me
Burning from within
You know one spark is all it takes
Hear the piercing cries of all
Who found that hell awaits

Living nightmare can't you see
You really have no choice
Faded memories haunt you
Listen closely to my voice
Feed me all your hatred
Empty all your thoughts to me
I can fill your emptiness
With immortality

Welcome to my world
Involve yourself within my dream
Experience a life just like your mind thought not to be
Take a look through time
As past or present worlds to be
I rule this inferno
Enthroned for eternity

Welcome To My World